Boxing in and tiling around a bath

Boxing in and tiling around a bath

Boxing in and tiling around the bath can be very effective in the family bathroom, and the en-suite too if its big enough. In this bathroom it works well because the tiles are huge and the room is fairly big too, big enough to carry the modular design which means all the grout lines of the tiles match up on the walls and the floor. It also works well because there is only 1 vertical tile on the side of the bath which adds to the effect, lots of smaller tiles lessen the effect but having said that mosaics look great there too. When constructing the boxing its important to use the correct timber, for the framework its got to be 4″ x 2″ or 100mm x 50mm and the covering timber sheeting has to be 3/4″ or 18mm marine ply. The sheeting has then to be treated with a primer that suits the adhesive that is going to be used and then the adhesive has to be flexible. I tiled the rest of this house as its brand new and ill put the pics up of the kitchen floor and the en-suites when I have a little more time...

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